Press Release on the Advocacy Visit of the Working Group on Extractive Industries, Environment and Human Rights Violations in Africa to the Republic of Niger


From 09 to 10 December 2019, the Working Group on Extractive Industries, Environment and Human Rights Violations in Africa (the Working Group) of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the Commission), will undertake an advocacy visit to the Republic of Niger.

The purpose of the Visit is sensitization of State institutions concerned with Human and Peoples’ Rights and Extractive Industries, as well as other stakeholders of the Commission, on the State Reporting Guidelines and Principles on Articles 21 and 24 of the African Charter relating to Extractive Industries and the Environment (Reporting Guidelines and Principles).

Apart from individual engagements with various State institutions, the Working Group will hold a workshop on the Reporting Guidelines and Principles with local civil society actors.

Banjul, 06 December 2019