Resolução de Nomeação do Relator Especial para os Defensores dos Direitos Humanos em África - CADHP/Res.202(L)2011
Resolution on the appointment of the Chairperson and renewal and extension of members of the Advisory Committee on Budgetary and Staff Matters - ACHPR/Res.191
Resolution on the Appointment of the Special Rapporteur on Prisons and Conditions of Detention in Africa - ACHPR/Res.206(L)2011
Resolution Appointing the Special Rapporteur on Refugees, Asylum Seekers, Internally Displaced Persons and Migrants in Africa - ACHPR/Res.203(L)2011
Resolution on the Appointment of the Chairperson and Members of the Working Group of Indigenous Populations/Communities In Africa - ACHPR/Res.204(L)2011
Resolution on the Appointment of the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Women in Africa - ACHPR/Res.205(L)2011
Resolution on the Re-appointment of the Chairperson and Members of the Working Group on the Death Penalty in Africa - ACHPR/Res.201(L)2011
Resolução sobre a Segurança dos Jornalistas e dos Profissionais dos Media em África - CADHP/Res.185(XLIX)11
Resolução sobre a Nomeação dos Membros Especialistas para o Grupo de Trabalho para as Pessoas Idosas e Pessoas com Deficiência em África - CADHP/Res.189(XLIX)11
Resolução sobre a Nomeação dos Membros do Grupo de Estudo para a Liberdade de Associação em África - CADHP/Res.186(XLIX)11
Resolution on the Renewal and Extension of the Mandate of the Advisory Committee on Budgetary and Staff Matters - ACHPR/Res.188(XLIX)11
Resolution on the Appointment of the Special Rapporteur on Refugees, Asylum Seekers, Internally Displaced Persons and Migrants in Africa - ACHPR/Res.187(XLIX)