Agenda of the 5th Ordinary Session of the ACHPR


African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights


3-14 April 1989 - Benghazi, Libya



  1. Opening of the Session
  2. Adoption of the Agenda
  3. Organisation of work
  4. Matters relating to observers
  5. Implementation of Decisions and Resolutions of the Twenty-fourth Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government relating to the Commission
  • Guidelines concerning the Preparation and Presentation of Periodic Reports
  • Consideration of the Draft Headquarters Agreement of the Permanent Secretariat of the Commission and inauguration of the Secretariat of the Commission
  • Implementation of the resolution relating to the amendment of the  Financial Rules and Regulations of the OUA
  • Publication of the activity report
  1. Follow up of the recommendation adopted by the Fourth Session
  2. Activity report of the Chairman and the members of the Commission during the inter- session
  3. Consideration of Communications
  4. Consideration of the report on the General Convention of the OAU on Privileges and Immunities
  5. Promotional Activities
  6. Any Other Business
  7. Date and venue and agenda of the next Session
  8. Adoption of the: 
  • Report of the Fifth Ordinary Session 
  • Final Communique