Togo: 3rd Periodic Report, 2003-2010



3. Determined to launch the country on the path to genuine democracy and the Rule of Law and to restore relations of cooperation with the International Community which had been damaged since 1993, the Togolese Government had embarked on consultations with the European Union after the somewhat controversial presidential elections of 2003.

4. Following these consultations, the Government, on the 14 April 2004, made twenty two (22) commitments the implementation of which was intended to culminate in the strengthening of the democratic institutions, in the respect for Human Rights and in the Rule of Law, and in promoting the full normalization of the relations of cooperation between the two Parties.

5. These commitments consisted of two essential aspects:

- The opening of an inclusive and credible dialogue to guarantee the full respect for democratic principles;

- Respect for Human Rights and Public Liberties.

6. Unfortunately this impetus of political, institutional and legal reforms intended to lead to the holding of early legislative elections before the end of June 2005, had been interrupted by the abrupt demise of President GNASSINGBE Eyadéma on 5 February 2005. His demise opened a new era of socio-political tension and agitation marked by errors in the field of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

7. Thus the presidential elections of 24 April 2005 had been riddled with acts of violence, destruction, assaults, and the destruction of public and private property. This situation also gave rise to the displacement of persons both within and without the country.

8. In conformity with the twenty two commitments that it had undertaken, the Togolese Government initiated a national political dialogue which, with the support of the President Blaise COMPAORE of Burkina Faso, resulted in the signature on 20 August 2006, of an Agreement called « Global Political Accord (APG) ».

9. Numerous activities have since been undertaken by the Togolese Government in the effort to improve the Human Rights situation. These consist of:

- The amendment of the Organic Law on the organization and operations of the Constitutional Court in 2004;

- The de-criminalization of media related offences in 2004; - The revision of the mandate and status of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRI) in 2005;

- The implementation of the national Justice System Modernization Programme from 2005;

- The revision of the mandate and statutes of the High Audiovisual and Communication Authority (HACA) in 2005 and 2009;

- The implementation of a National Programme for the promotion and protection of Human Rights and of a Democracy and Peace Consolidation Strategy since 2007;

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