Press Statement of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Recent Attacks by Al-Shabab in the Federal Republic of Somalia


The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the Commission) is deeply concerned about the recent attacks by Al-Shabab in the Federal Republic of Somalia.

According to information reaching the Commission, on 4 February 2019, a car bomb exploded near a shopping mall in Hamarweyne, district, Mogadishu, killing at least eleven (11) people and injuring several others. Reports indicate that some of the wounded are in critical condition.

Reports aver that this attack was preceded by the assassination on the same day of the Bossasso Port Manager of DP World in Puntland State, Northern Somalia, by Al-Shabab. It is alleged that he was killed on his way to Bossasso Port, and that two (2) other people were wounded in the attack.

In light of the above, the Commission:

·      strongly condemns these attacks, in particular the indiscriminate killings and injuries to civilians;

·      urges the international community as well as missions which operate in Somalia to support the Government of the Federal Republic of Somalia in fulfilling its obligation to ensure the safety and protection of the civilian population;

·      urges all state and non-state parties to engage in genuine dialogue to bring about lasting peace and security in the Federal Republic of Somalia; and


·      urges all parties to prioritise dialogue and refrain from acts of violence.