Activity of the Working Group on Rights of Older Persons and People with Disabilities


Tuesday, 25 October 2016 (17:15-:17:30)

Wednesday, 26 October 2016 (09:00-10:00)

I.              Theme:       “Showing case of the strives and challenges to uphold human rights of older women and women with disabilities in Africa”

II.            Date and Time:

Tuesday, 25 October 2016 (17:15-:17:30)

Wednesday, 26 October 2016 (09:00-10:00)

III.           Format and time allocation:

Each intervening organization/person would have 10 minutes to cover his/her/its subtheme and this could be in any format (PowerPoint presentation, testimony, documentary/short video, presentation of newsletter, etc.

Thereafter,  there would be an interaction with attendees from the public and the moderator would wrap-up the activity .This last leg of the activity is given a maximum of 30 minutes while the first part is expected to last one hour.

Intervening Organizations/persons and sub-themes to be addressed: 

                      i.        Commissioner Yeung : Testimony/moderator 

                     ii.        Gertrude Oforiwa Fefoame (sightsavers): (subtheme TCB)

                    iii.        AFUB & ICEVI : The right to education for girls and women with disabilities in Africa 

                    iv.        Roseline Kihumba (HelpAge International) : Human rights issues of older women 

                     v.        Thomas Ongolo (ADA): the status of women with disabilities refugees and asylums seekers from conflict and humanitarian situation 

                    vi.        Ebrima Dibbasey (Gambia Federation of Disabled): subtheme TBC