Communication 626/16- Philip Forsang Ndikum (Représenté par Ndikum Law Offices) v. République du Cameroun
Communication 735/19 - Residents of the Mau Forest Complex (represented by the Centre for Comparative and International Law and Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa) v The Republic of Kenya
Communication 766/21 - Alex Nain Saab Moran (represented by Senior Lawyer Femi Falana) against the Republic of Cape Verde
Communication 443/13 - Safia Ishaq Mohammed Issa (Represented by The Redress Trust) v. Republic of Sudan
Communication 470/14 - Ibrahim Almaz Deng & 6 Others (Represented by the Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa) v. Republic of the Sudan
Communication 573/15 - Blaise Jean Joseph Migolet (represente par maitre Christophe Meyer) v. The Republic of Gabon
Communication 687/18 - Family of the late Banombi Sylvain (represented by the Congolese Human Rights Observatory and the Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa) c. Republic of Congo.
Lado James Paul, Ayume Dada & others (Represented by John Gerry Emmanuel) v The Republic of South Sudan - 736/20