Final Communique of the 6th Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights


1. The African Commission on human and Peoples’ Right held its sixth Ordinary Session in Banjul, The Gambia, from 23rd October to 4th November, 1989 under the chairmanship of Professor Umozurike.

2. All the members of the Commission were present in the Session.

  • Prof. U.O. Umozurike
  • Dr. Ibrahim Ali Badawi El-Sheikh
  • Mr. Alioune Blondi Beye
  • Mr. Ali Mahmoud Buhedma
  • Mr. Alexis Gabou
  • Mr. Sourahata B. Semega Janneh
  • Mr. Justice R.H. Kisanga
  • Mr. Moleleki D. Mokama
  • Mr. C.L.C. Mubanga-Chipoya
  • Mr. Youssoupha N’Diaye
  • Mr. Isaac Nguema

3. The Session was opened under the chairmanship of the former Chairman, Mr. Isaac Nguema in the presence of Honourable Hassan Jallow, Attorney General and Minister of Justice of The Gambia, Honourable M.B. Njie, M.P. Speaker of the House of Representative of the Republic of The Gambia, Gambia dignitaries and members of the diplomatic corps.

4. Mr Nguema welcomed the guests to the opening after which he requested the Honourable Attorney General and Minister of Justice of The Gambia to formally open the Session.

5. In his opening address the Honourable Attorney General and Minister of Justice re-assured members of the Commission of his government’s unwavering commitment to offer all possible assistance to the Commission to enable it achieve its set objectives.

6. After the opening ceremony the Commission settled down to work and one of its tasks during this Session was the election of its office bearers.

7. The following members were duly elected office bearers. Professor U.O. Umozurike – Chairman of the Commission.

Mr. Alexis Gabou - Vice-Chairman of the Commission.

8. Warn tribute was paid to Mr. Nguema, the outgoing Chairman, for his total commitment and dedication in the performance of his duties during his term as Chairman of the commission.

9. The Commission considered and adopted a 16-item agenda comprising, inter alia, the following main points:

  1. Action by the 25th Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government on the 2nd Activity Report of the Commission.
  2. Report of activities by the Chairman and members of the Commission during the intersession period.
  3. Consideration of Complaints.
  4. Promotional activities including publications and distribution.
  5. The question of observers, and
  6. Questions relating to Headquarters of the Commission.

10. The Commission heard a long report of its previous Chairman’s activities during the intersession period. The report formed the basis for very fruitful discussions during this Session.

11. The Commission considered at length the whole question of following up and monitoring the implementation of its promotional activities, with a view to finding ways of achieving that end more effectively.

12. The Commission dealt with 98 complaints and took appropriate steps about them in accordance with the provisions of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and the Commission’s Rules of Procedure.

13. The Commission considered ways of promoting publicity about the existence of the Commission and its activities. To that end, the Commission had decided to launch the maiden edition of its own publication to be known as the “African Review on Human and Peoples’ Rights”.

14. During the Session, the Commission considered requests for, and granted observer status to, seven Non-Governmental Organisations.

15. The Commission noted with satisfaction the resolution and decision by the 25th Session of the Head of State and Government, especially the extent which the Assembly was appreciative of the Commission’s request for solution to its problems.

16. The resolution also called upon member states of the OAU which have not yet ratified the Charter to do so; and the Commission took steps to ensure constant follow up and monitoring the implementation of the resolutions of the Assembly touching on the Commission.

17. Consequently the Commission avails itself of this opportunity to re-echo the solemn appeal to all Member States of the OAU which have not yet ratified the Charter to do so.

18. A vote of thanks was addressed to the Gambian Government.

19. The Commission decided to hold its next Session from 28th March to 10th April, 1990.

Done in Banjul on 4th November, 1989.