قرار بشأن الحق في الانتصاف وجبر الضرر لضحايا العنف الجنسي من النساء والفتيات - ACHPR/Res.111(XXXXII)07
Resolution on the Appointment of the Chairperson and Members of the Working Group on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Africa - ACHPR/Res.124(XXXXII)07
Resolution on the Composition and Renewal of the Mandate of the Working Group on Indigenous Populations/Communities in Africa - ACHPR/Res.123(XXXXII)07
Resolution on the Renewal of the Mandate and Composition of the Working Group on Specific Issues relevant to the work of the Commission - ACHPR/Res.127(XXXXII
Resolution on the Renewal of Mandate and Appointment of the Chairperson and Members of the Follow-up Committee on the Implementation of the Robben Island Guidelines - ACHPR/Res.120(XXXXII)07
Resolution on the Establishment and Appointment of a Focal Point on the Rights of Older Persons in Africa - ACHPR/Res.118(XXXXII)07