Press Release on the Promotion Mission of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights to the Republic of Cape Verde (16 to 20 September 2024)


1.    At the invitation of the Government of the Republic of Cabo Verde (Cape Verde), and pursuant to Article 45 (1) of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (the Charter), a Delegation of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights conducted, from 16 to 20 September 2024, a human rights promotion mission in this State Party to the Charter, which ratified it on 2 June 1987. 

2.    The delegation comprised the following members:

  • Honourable Commissioner Maria Teresa Manuela, Country Rapporteur and Special Rapporteur on Prisons, Conditions of Detention and Policing in Africa and Rapporteur for the country (Head of Delegation);
  • Honourable Commissioner Hatem Essaiem, Chairperson of the Committee for the Prevention of Torture in Africa
  • One (1) Legal Officer assigned to the Secretariat of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, Mr. Maulo Mfinda Dombaxi).

3.    The mission objectives were, among others to:

-    Engage in dialogue with all stakeholders for an exchange of views on the human rights situation in the country;
-     Strengthen relations between the African Commission and the Republic of Cape Verde in the field of the promotion and protection of the rights guaranteed by the African Charter and other relevant national, regional and universal legal instruments; and
-    Promote the African Charter, the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on the Rights of Women (Maputo Protocol) and all other regional and universal human rights instruments;

4.    During its mission, the Delegation met and exchanged views with key state and non-state actors involved in the promotion and protection of human and peoples' rights in Cabo Verde.

5.    The Delegation paid a courtesy visit to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Cabo Verde, H.E. Dr. José Ulisses Correia e Silva

6.    Working meetings with members of the Government followed with: Her Excellency the Minister of Justice, Dr. Joana Rosa; Her Excellency, Minister of State for National Defense, Territorial Cohesion and Chairperson of the Council of Ministers and Parliamentary Affairs, Dr. Janine Tatiana Santos Lélis; Minister of State for Family, Inclusion and Social Development, Dr. Fernando Elísio Freire and with the  Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Regional Integration, Dr. Miryan Vieira;  
7.    The Delegation held a technical meeting with the President of the National Commission for Human Rights and Citizenship, Dr. Eurídice Mascarenhas (where the Executive Secretary of the Interministerial Commission for the Development of National Human Rights Reports was also in attendance)

8.    Following that, held important courtesy and working meetings with high entities, such as: Deputy Chief Public Prosecutor, Dr. Hélder Barros; the Hon. Judge and Deputy Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Justice, Dr. Anildo Martins and the Hon. Ombudsman, Dr. José Carlos Delgado.

9.    In addition, the Delegation met with the United Nations Resident Coordinator, Mrs. Patrícia Portela de Souza. 

10.    The Delegation also held exchanges with the President of ICCA; with the President of ICIEG, Mrs. Marisa Carvalho and with the President of the High Authority for Immigration (AAI), Mrs. Carmén Barros Furtado;

11.     The Delegation held an Awareness Seminar on the mandate of the ACHPR where representatives of public bodies and civil society organizations were present.

12.     The Delegation paid a visit to the Central Prison of Praia, where it had direct contact with Mr. Director, Mr Mario Veiga and with the detained prisoners interned, both in pre-trial detention and convicts.

13.    In addition to that, the Delegation paid a visit to the Praia Children's emergency centre (CEIP), where minors and vulnerable and at-risk adolescents are hospitalized, under the tutelage of ICCA;

14.    The delegation also participated in a live radio program on the National Radio of Cabo Verde.

15.    The Delegation concluded its mission with a courtesy visit to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs – Dr. Miryan Vieira.

16.    At the end of the visit, the Delegation granted a Press Conference to public and private media.

17.    Thus, the Delegation congratulates the Government of Cabo Verde for its manifest political will and commitment to the effective enjoyment of human rights, namely in strict compliance with the provisions of the Constitution. 

18.    The Delegation sincerely thanks the Government of Cabo Verde for the facilities accorded during the mission, as well as for the constructive dialogue with all stakeholders. 

19.    The Delegation expresses its gratitude to the Ministry of Justice and the National Commission for Human Rights and Citizenship, which were instrumental for the success of this mission.

Praia, September 20, 2024

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