Statement on the Deteriorating Situation of African Migrants in the Mediterranean


The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the Commission) is deeply concerned about the deteriorating situation of African migrants and the loss of many lives in recent months in the Mediterranean. The scale of this phenomenon and its consequences on African populations is tragic and regrettable.

According to information received, more than two thousand people have gone missing in the Mediterranean Sea trying to cross over to Europe since January 2015. According to statistics, on average one person dies every hour during such adventures. Unfortunately, many among the victims are unaccompanied children.

The Commission is conscious that the deteriorating socio-economic, political and security situation in some countries is forcing people to set off for a migration adventure, risking their lives.

The Commission deplores the silence of African countries and calls upon the African Union and State Parties to assume their responsibility and take the necessary measures to put an end to this scourge and respond to the distress of these populations.

The Commission encourages the African Union and in particular the countries of origin of migrants to find long-term and lasting solutions in collaboration with the European Union towards putting an end to this tragedy.

The Commission commends the efforts of humanitarian organisations and European Union countries, in particular Italy, in assisting migrants in distress.

                                                                  Done in Banjul, The Gambia, on 3 May 2015