Allocution de Marie Saine Firdaus, le Procureur General et Secretaire d'Etat a la Justice


Statement by the Honorable Attorney General and the
Secretary of State for Justice at the Opening of the 5th 
Extraordinary Session of the African Commission of Human
Peoples' Rights
Held at Jerma Beach Hotel
Banjul - The Gambia
21 July 2008

Chairoperson of the african commission
Excellencies Members of the African Commission
Executive Secretary of the African Commiison
Members of the Diplomatic and Consular Corp
Distinquised delegates
The Press
All other protocols respectfully observed

It is my honour and previlege to deliver the opening statement once again at the 5th Extraordinary Session of the African Commission On Human and Peoples’ Rights.

If you recall, the the Extra Ordinary Session was held in Febuary this year in The Gambia and I was prevelleged to adress the gathering on that important forum which was necessitated by the need to continue the work of the Commission as it relates to the completion of the review of the Commission’s Rules of Proceduces vis a vis the establishment of the African Court on Human Rights. I am aware that the Commission could not complet its work during the period hence the need of this meeting.

On behalf of the government and the people of the Republic of The Gambia, I Would like to welcome you all once again to The Gambia and hope that you will enjoy your stay here.


I have been informed that the focus of this extraordinary session is to complete the review of the Commission’s Rules of Proceduces,consider the decissions of Communications filed and heard by the Commission and issue concluding observations on State Reports that have been considered on previous Ordinary Sessions of the Commission among other things. Let me however hasten to say that, there is a lot that this session has to achieve under the dynamic leadership of her Excellency Commissioner Monageng but i have no doubt that she will ably
chair the affairs of the meeting to a successful end and to the satisfaction of all. 


The promotion and protection of Human Rights in Africa is the primary responsibility of all and sundry because it is only when our human rights are guaranteed,promoted, protected and fulfilled that peace and development will be realised in the cotinent. We therefore need to restore more confidence in our Continent by ensuring the promotion and protection of our human rights.

 Member states are obligated to submit State reports to show progress made as well as challages and problems faced in implementing the provissions of the African Charter on  human and Peoples’ Rights , the Complaints mechanism is also another avenue that redress can be sought for the violation or threat of violation of the rights under the Charter.

In View of these impotant functions of the Commission, I am hopeful that the Commision would at the conclusion of this session, issue concluding observations on the State reports and decissions on the Communications and complete the review of the rules.

This i believ will help reduce the backlog of work to be done and also allow the Commission to have more time to execute its promotional mandate within the Continent . It will also enable  them to effectively work with the Court since heads of States have approvrd the merger at the just concluded AU Summit in Egypt. Similarly, parties to cases will be able to enjoy the fruits of  their judgement within a reasonable time after their cases are concluded.

Iam therefore confident that all the delegates will give it their best and participate fully in the delibrations because every one’s contribution is very important towards ensuring that the African human rights system is fully developed, functional and effective for the benifit of the African peoples.

As member states, we have committed ourselves to this cause and we must ensure that we realise it to the end and I am sure all have this same objective.

I wish you fruitful delibrations and thank you for listening.