Agenda of the 17th Ordinary Session of the ACHPR


African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights



13-22 March 1995 - Lomé, Togo

1. Opening Ceremony

2. Adoption of Agenda

3. Organization of Work

4. Adoption of the report of the 16th Session

5. Observers

  1. Consideration of application for observer status
  2. Relationship with observers and statements of the latter

6. Consideration of Periodic Reports of the following Member States:

  • Mauritius
  • Mozambique
  • Seychelles

7. Promotional Activities :

  1. Activity Reports by Commissioners
  2. Examination of extra-judicial executions
  3. Report on the implementation of Resolution AHG/230 (XXX): on the establishment of an African Human Rights Court
  4. The situation in the prisons in Africa
  5. Report on Seminar on the African Woman and the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights
  6. Dakar Preparatory Regional Conference on Women (November 1994) and 4th World Conference on Women (Beijing 1995).
  7. Organization of forthcoming seminars and conferences
  8. Publication of the Review and the Newsletter of the Commission
  9. Follow-up of the decisions and recommendations from the international conferences on Human Rights (The Vienna and Montreal Conferences)
  10. Report of the African Mission of the Embargo Evaluation of the UN on Libyan Populations- February, 1995 (Proposed by the Cameroonian League for Human Rights)

8. Protective Activities

9. Question concerning the Headquarters of the Secretariat of the Commission

10. Administrative and Financial Matters

  1. Report of the Chairman of the Commission
  2. Report of the Secretary to the Commission
  3. Implementation of the recommendations of the previous sessions
  4. Draft Rules on Contracts with Consultants
  5. Financing of the translation of summaries and periodic reports
  6. Situation of the Documentation Centre of the Commission
  7. Draft Cooperation Agreement between the Commission and Interights
  8. Distribution of States Parties between the members of the Commission for promotional activities

11. Methods of Work of the Commission

  1. Consideration of amendments to the Rules of Procedure
  2. Examination of Article 58 of the Charter
  3. Amendment of article 12 of the Rules of Procedure

12. OAU activities relevant to the Commission

13. Dates, place and agenda of the 18th Session

14. Any Other Business

15. Preparation of:

  1. Sessional Report
  2. 8th Annual Activity Report
  3. Final Communique

16. Adoption of the Report of the 17th Session and the annual activity report

17. Final Communique and Closing Ceremony