Resolution on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples’ Communities in Africa - ACHPR/Res.51(XXVIII)00


The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights meeting at its 28th Ordinary Session in Cotonou, Benin from 23rd October to 6th November 2000:

Recalling that at its 26th Ordinary Session held in Kigali, Rwanda, it constituted a Committee made up of 3 Commissioners to further consider the issue of Indigenous People in Africa and advise accordingly;

Having reconsidered the issue and its implications;

Resolves to:

1. Establish a working group of experts on the rights of indigenous or ethnic communities in Africa ;

2. Set up a working group constituted of 2 members of the African Commission, one of whom should be designated as convenor and 2 African experts in the field of human rights or indigenous issues;

3. Assign the following mandate to the working group:

a) Examine the concept of indigenous people and communities in Africa;
b) Study the implications of the African Charter on Human Rights and well being of indigenous communities especially with regard to:

  •  the right to equality (Articles 2 and 3);
  •  the right to dignity (Article 5);
  •  protection against domination (Article 19);
  •  on self-determination (Article 20); and 
  •  the promotion of cultural development and identity (Article 22).

c) Consider appropriate recommendations for the monitoring and protection of the rights of indigenous communities;

4. Have a funding proposal prepared with a view to raising donor funds to meet the costs of the work of the working group;

5. Submit a report at the 30th Ordinary Session of the Commission.

Done in Cotonou, Benin, 6th November 2000.