Tanzania: 2nd to 10th Periodic Report, 1992-2006


The report comprises of the 2nd to 10th periodic reports. It updates and complements the initial report submitted in July 1991. "The 2nd to the 9th reports could not be submitted due to lack of specific institution and mechanism for coordinating and preparation of the reports. There is currently in place a specific department within the Attorney General's Chambers in the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional affairs, responsible for coordinating human rights reporting."

From the Conclusion: 
"The decision to establish the Independent Commission on Human Rights and Good Governance is a move by the Government to address issues pertaining to violations of
Human Rights.... Remarkable achievements have been made on the Human Rights situation in Tanzania since the submission of the first report though there is a lot to be done in order to create an environment that will ensure effective promotion and protection of Human Rights. Claw-back clauses which existed in the Bills of Rights have been removed and replaced by the internationally accepted limitation clauses. However, attitudes about some negative customary practices still exist and will take some time to phase out through education and empowerment. We are optimistic that adherence to human rights will ultimately be attained though in a gradual process."

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