Communication 453/13 - Roseline Emma Rasolovoahangy v. The Republic of Madagascar


Decision of the Commission on the Merits

85. In view of the foregoing, the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights:

i. Finds that the Respondent State violated articles 7(1) and 13 (1) of the Charter, 

ii. Requests the Respondent State to take all necessary measures to repair the damages caused by the violations found;

iii. Requests the Respondent State to take all necessary measures to make sure that the Loi Organique no. 2012-015 of 1 August 2012 and all other relevant laws and practices are brought into conformity with the African Charter;

iv. Requests the Respondent State to report back in writing, within one hundred and eighty (180) days of the notification of this decision, on the measures taken to implement these recommendations.

Adopted by the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights at its 70th Ordinary Session held virtually from 23 February 2022 to 9 March 2022