Press release on the atrocities committed by Boko Haram


The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the Commission) is closely monitoring the human rights situation in north-eastern Nigeria which is plagued by repeated and violent attacks by the terrorist group Boko Haram.

The Commission is deeply concerned by the deliberate and deadly attacks and the abduction of civilians, including children, women and elderly persons.

The Commission is appalled by the use of children as suicide bombers and the attacks targeting places of gathering such as markets, places of worship and bus stations.

The Commission is dismayed by the vicious attacks against civilians, in particular in the town of Baga, in marketplaces in Maiduguri, in Borno State, and in Potiskum, in Yobe State.

The Commission strongly condemns these attacks against civilians and urges the Government of Nigeria to take the necessary measures to put an end to human rights violations and to ensure security throughout the country.

The Commission urges the Boko Haram armed group to put an immediate end to the atrocities and attacks against innocent civilians and to resolve their grievances in a peaceful manner through dialogue.

The Commission welcomes the commitment of the Republic of Chad to join forces with the Republic of Cameroon in the fight against the terrorist group Boko Haram.

The Commission calls upon the Economic Community of West African States, the African Union and the international community to work together to put an end to the serious and massive human rights violations committed by the terrorist group Boko Haram.

The Commission further calls upon the Nigerian authorities and the international community to provide assistance to the populations traumatised by the Boko Haram massacre and destruction.



Banjul, 22 January 2015