Concluding Observations on the Combined 6th – 8th Periodic Report of the Republic of Uganda, 2013-2022
Concluding Observations on the Combined 2nd and 3rd Periodic Report of the State of Eritrea, 2017-2020
Resolution on the Need for a Study on the Extent of Implementation of the ACHPR Soft Laws on Access to Information in Africa - ACHPR.Res.581 (LXXVIII)2024
Resolution on the need to take measures to reduce forced internal displacement in Africa - ACHPR.Res.582 (LXXVIII)2024
Resolution on the Extension of the deadline for Conducting a Study onExtrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions in Africa – ACHPR.Res.583 (LXXVIII)2024
Resolution on the Development of Guidelines on the Protection of the Rights of Workers in the Informal Economy Sector in Africa - ACHPR.Res.584 (LXXVIII) 2024