The African Commission is gravely concerned about reports reaching it indicating the indiscriminate violence unfolding in northern Darfur in the context of the attack launched for capturing the capital El Fasher


The African Commission condemns in no uncertain terms the atrocities being perpetrated against civilians in the context of the fighting that has been going on in El Fasher gravely endangering the hundreds of thousands of refugees sheltering in the city. 

The African Commission urges the warring parties that they should cease all acts of violence against civilians and fully respect the International Humanitarian Law principles of distinction, necessity and proportionality.

It reminds the warring parties that they bear responsibility for any acts of violence against civilians and will be criminally accountable under relevant rules of international law. 

The African Commission affirms its belief that the Sudanese people deserve the right to peace and security as enshrined in Article 23 of the African Charter and that there is no justification for any acts of violence targeting civilians.

Done this 21nd October 2024 

Honourable Commissioner Solomon Ayele Dersso, PhD

African Commission’s Focal Point on Human Rights in Conflict Situations

Honourable Commissioner Hatem Essaiem
African Commission Country Rapporteur for Sudan