Resolution on the Validation of the Co-opted Members of the Commission of Inquiry into the Situation in the Tigray Region of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia - ACHPR/Res. 488 (EXT.OS/XXXIV) 2021


The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (the Commission), meeting at its 34th Extraordinary Session, held virtually on 24 August 2021

Recalling Resolution ACHPR/Res. 482 (EXT.OS/XXXII) 2021 on the Fact-Finding Mission to the Tigray Region of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia;

Noting   paragraph 11 of Resolution ACHPR/Res. 482 (EXT.OS/XXXII) 2021, which gives the Commission the right to co-opt any expert, including military, forensic, communications, ballistics, and human rights experts etc. to become a member of the Commission of Inquiry;

The Commission decides to:

Validate the appointment of the following independent human rights experts as co-opted members of the Commission of Inquiry with retroactive effect, and as of their respective dates of appointment:

1. Judge Fatsah Ouguergouz -appointed on 17 June 2021

2. Maitre Soyata Maiga - appointed on 21 June 2021; and

3. Judge Lucy Asuagbor - appointed on 24 June 2021.


Done virtually on 24 August 2021.