Concluding Observations and Recommendations - Mozambique Consolidated Periodic Reports, 2015-2021



1. The Republic of Mozambique (Mozambique) has been a State Party to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (African Charter) since 7th March 1990. 

2. Mozambique presented its Initial Report to the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (the African Commission) at its 16th Ordinary Session (Banjul, October/November 1993). Subsequently, Mozambique presented its Combined Periodic Report (1999-2010), considered by the 55th Ordinary Session of the Commission, held in Luanda (Angola) from 28 April to 12 May 2014.  

3. The respective Concluding Observations were adopted by the 17th Extraordinary Session of the Commission, held from 19 to 28 February 2015, in Banjul, The Gambia. 

4. The Commission received this Combined Periodic Report from the National Directorate of Planning and Cooperation of the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional and Religious Affairs of the Republic of Mozambique, in early November 2023.   

5. The Report was considered in person on 21 and 22 May 2024, as part of the work of the 79th Ordinary (Hybrid) Session of the Commission, held in Banjul from 14 May to 03 June 2024. 

6. In this regard, a high-level Mozambican delegation1 led by H.E. Filimão Joaquim Suaze, Deputy Minister of Justice, Constitutional and Religious Affairs, represented the State Party in the review, which was marked by a frank and constructive dialogue with the members of the Commission.    

7. The Mozambican delegation undertook to provide the Commission with further information in writing at the end of the exercise, which it did on 28 June 2024.     

8. The Commission notes the inclusive process that characterized the preparation of this Report, as described by the Mozambican authorities, with the involvement and participation of several key actors of the State and civil society. It should also be noted that the Report is well documented and illustrated, with informative and detailed statistical data. 

9. Specifically, this Periodic Report summarizes the developments recorded by Mozambique in terms of the promotion and protection of human rights during the period under review.   

10. The Commission is aware that limited financial resources constitute an obstacle to the effective implementation of the State's human rights programmes. 

11. These Concluding Observations give an account of the positive aspects and factors that limit the enjoyment of human rights in Mozambique. They also highlight the areas of concern identified through examination of the Report and the additional information provided thereafter.   

12. Finally, the Commission makes recommendations to Mozambique on the necessary measures to strengthen the enjoyment of human rights as guaranteed by the African Charter, the Maputo Protocol and other relevant regional and international instruments.

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