السنغال: بعثة ترويجية، 2002


Commissioner Jainaba Johm who is the Commissioner in charge of the Republic of Senegal embarked on a promotional mission to the Republic of Senegal from 19 to 23 of August 2002. The delegation also comprised of Ms. Isatou Harris, legal Intern with the Commission. The terms of reference of the mission to the Republic of Senegal were as follows:

  • Raise awareness of the Charter am ongst the relevant Government Institutions and civil society.
  • Encourage the Government of Senegal to continue its observance and implementation of the Charter.
  • Raise issues of human rights concern with the Government of Senegal and draw the attention of the Senegalese government to the following issues in particular: Need to submit its Reports due since 1992; The issue of the plight of refugees and displaced persons within Senegal; The issue of Street Children or 'Almoudou' Children; Rights of Women (succession and polygamy).
  • Meet with NGO'S in the field of human rights and discuss with them: the extent to which they can contribute in the implementation of the provisions of the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights; the need for them to participate in the work of the Commission and to encourage them to apply for observer status with the Commission.


  1. The Senegalese Government should initiate an open and frank debate with all the various human rights institutions, in order to ensure that there is close collaboration between them. This should enable these institutions better coordinate their activities in the human rights field and facilitate projects like the preparation of Senegal's periodic reports ;
  2. Senegal should as soon a s possible submit its outstanding reports to the Commission.
  3. The project relating to the rights of children currently underway within the department of Family and Infancy affairs should be accelerated with a view to improving the effective protection of the rights of children in practice ;
  4. The Government of the republic of Senegal should continue in its efforts to improve prison conditions, particularly with respect to ventilation, hygiene and the number of prisoners in cells;
  5. The Government of the Republic of Senegal should continue to work closely with non-governmental organizations in order to ensure better implementation of the African Charter.
  6. The Commission encourages the Government of the Republic of Senegal to quickly set up the proposed refugee management committee. This would further help in addressing the situation of refugees within Senegal.