Final Communique of the 4th Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights


1. The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights held its fourth Ordinary Session in Cairo (Egypt) from 17 to 26 October, 1988 under the chairmanship of Mr Isaac NGUEMA.

2. The following members have participated in the session:
Dr. Ibrahim Ali Badawi El-Sheikh 
Mr. Ali Mahoud Buhedma 
Mr. Alexis Gabou 
Mr. Grace Stuart Ibinngira 
Mr. Sourahata B. Semega Janneh 
Mr. Habesh Robert Kisanga 
Mr. Moleleki d. Mokana 
Mr. C.L.C. Mubanga-Chipoya 
Mr. Youssoupha Ndiaye 
Mr. Isaac Nguema

3. The session was opened under the chairmanship of His excellency Dr. Boutros Boutros Ghali, Minister of state for Foreign Affairs representing His Excellency Mr. Hosni Mubarak, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

4. The following took the floor:
- The Chairman of the Commission, Mr Isaac Nguema, who welcomed, on behalf of his colleagues, the participants in this opening ceremony, which was also attended by members of the Government and of African diplomatic mission.
- H.E. Dr. Sylvestre Nsanzinana, Assistant Secretary-General, representing the Secretary-General of the Organisation of African Unity.
- H.E. Mr. Gabriel G. Farngalo, Dean of the Arican Diplomantic Corps, and Ambassador of Liberia in Egypt.
- H.E. Dr. Boutros Boutros Chali, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

5. After the opening ceremony, the Commission, resuming its work, considered and adopted a 12-item agenda comprising the following:
- The question of observers and participation of Stats non party to the Charter;
- The implementation of decision and resolution adopted by the 24th Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government on the Commission;
- General directives regarding the preparation and presentation of periodic reports;
- Consideration of the draft Headquarters Agreement;
- Publication of the Progress Report;
- Consideration of communications-complaints;
- Activities during the intersession.

6. For the first time, the Commission heard representatives of certain non-governmental organisations with observe status within the Commission-
Thus did:
- Annesty International 
- The Arab Lawyers Union 
- The Egytian United Nations Association
Express their wish to establish sound, multiform and lasting cooperation with the Commission.

7. The Commission expressed great satisfaction at this collaboration which would enable it widen and further the scope of its action for promotion and protection.

8. Moreover, the Commission accorded observer status to other non-governmental organisations.

9. At the request of Burundi, the Commission heard an expose made by the Representative of that country on the events that occurred since the month of August, 1988.

10. The Commission took cognisance with satisfaction of the decision and resolution of the Twenty-fourth session of the Conference of Heads of State and Government that especially called for establishing the permanent seat of the Commission in Banjul (The Gambia).

11. The Commission studied and adopted the general directives concerning the drafting and submission of periodic reports by the States, parties to the Charter. These directives are characterized by their simplicity.

12.  The Commission examined, according to a procedure sanctioned by all members, a certain number of complaints submitted to it by physical and moral persons, in accordance with the provisions of Article 55 of the Charter. Some decisions were taken in respect of about thirty of them.

13.  The Commission heard the expose on the activities pertaining to promotion which the Chairman and some members carried out during the inter-session. It took cognisance of the short-term programmes that were submitted and which it would endeavour to achieve.

14.  The Commission, after examining the requests made by some States that were not parties to the Charter, to the effect that they wished to participate in its activities, avails itself of this opportunity to launch a solemn appeal to all Member States of the OAU which have as yet not ratified the Charter, to do so.

15.  A vote of thanks was addressed to the Egyptian Government.

16.  The Commission decided to hold its next meeting in BENGHAZI (LIBYA) at a date that will be fixed later on.

17.  The closing ceremony was presided by H.E. Dr. BOUTROS BOUTROS GHALI, Ministre of State for Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

Done in Cairo, on the 26th of October, 1988