Agenda of the 20th Ordinary Session of the ACHPR


African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights




21-31 October 1996 - Grand Bay, Mauritius


1. Opening ceremony (public session)

2. Adoption of Agenda (private session)

3. Organisation of work (private session) 

4. Observers: (public session)

  1. Statements of the States' Delegates;
  2. Consideration of applications for observer status;
  3. Relationship with observers and statements by observers.

5. Consideration of periodic reports of the following states: (public session)

  • Mauritius; 
  • Zimbabwe.

6. The setting up of an early intervention mechanism in case of massive human rights violations (public session)

7. Administrative and financial matters: (private session)

  1. Report of the Chairman of the Commission;
  2. Report of the Secretary to the Commission;
  3. Functioning of the Secretariat;
  4. Implementation of recommendations of the previous sessions;
  5. Draft Rules and Regulations on contracts with consultants;
  6. Financing the translation of session and periodic reports;
  7. The situation of the Documentation and Information Centre;
  8. Appraisal of the work of the Commission and its future prospects; Examining the draft Plan of Action for the period 1996-2001;

8. Discussion of the Logo of the Commission (public session)

9. Preparation of the Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (public session)

10. Distribution of the OAU member States among members of the Commission (private session)

11. Promotional activities: (public session)

  1. Activity reports by Commissioners;
  2. Consideration of the Report of the Special Rapporteur on extra judicial, summary and arbitraryexecutions;
  3. Report on the implementation of Resolution AHG/Res. 230 (XXX) on the establishment of the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights;
  4. The Human Rights Situation in Africa;
  5. Amendments of Guidelines on the Preparation of periodic reports;
  6. Organisation of forthcoming seminars and conferences;
  7. Publication of the Review and the Newsletter of the Commission;
  8. Follow-up of the decisions and recommendations of the International Conferences on human rights (the Vienna and Montreal Conferences as well as the Beijing Conference on Women);
  9. Report on the Seminar on Prison Conditions in Africa (19-21 September, 1996, Kampala,Uganda)
  10. Drawing up of the Draft Additional Protocol on Rights of Women in Africa.

12. Revision of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights; The issue of incapability of Commission members (private session)

13. Protective Activities (private session)

14. Secretariat Building (private session)

15. Participation of the Commission on some activities of the O.A.U. (public session)

16. Date, venue and the agenda of the 21st Ordinary Session (private session)

17. Any other business (private session)

18. Preparation of:

  • Report of the Session;
  • Final Communiqe;
  • Declaration.

19. Adoption of the report of the 20th session (private session)

20. Closing ceremony; Final Communique and the Mauritius Declaration (public session)

21. Press Conference of the Commission