Press release on the promotion mission of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights to the Democratic Republic of Congo
Communiqué de presse de la Rapporteure Spéciale sur la situation des défenseurs des droits de l'homme en Égypte
Final Communiqué of the 20th Extra-Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights
Press Release on the Visit of the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of People Living with HIV (PLHIV) and Those at Risk, Vulnerable to and Affected by HIV of the Afric
Joint Press-Release on the need to carry out prompt and effective investigations into the violence that occurred during demonstrations in Kenya
Press Statement of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the events of 14 and 16 April 2016, in the Islamic Republic of The Gambia
Communiqué de presse sur les menaces de mort et intimidation contre Oscar Rashidi Akida, Godeliève Uwimana et Rozenn Kalafulo