On 25 November 2021, the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (African Commission) through the country rapporteur for the United Republic of Tanzania (Tanzania), Commissioner Solomon Ayele Dersso, reacted to the announcement by Tanzania that it has rescinded a decision that it adopted in 2017 that banned pregnant girls and teenage mothers from attending school on account of their status of pregnancy and motherhood. In this regard, the Country Rapporteur transmitted a letter of appreciation to the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, welcoming this change of position on a decision which had led to the discriminatory exclusion of the girl-child from exercising the right to education and the right to non-discrimination. This measure by the Government of Tanzania affirmatively responds to the repeated calls of the African Commission since 2017 for the Government to review its decision. The letter also requests H.E. The President of Tanzania, to initiate the necessary corrective measures for rectifying the disadvantages to which affected girls have been subjected to as a result of this decision.
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