Mauritania: Fact-Finding Mission, 1996


This mission aimed to investigate and find an amicable solution for the grave violations of human rights in Mauritania, reported in various communications addressed to the Commission. Undertaken from the 19th to the 27th of June 1996 and conducted by Prof. Isaace Nguema, Chairman of the Commission, the mission comprised also Commissioners Julienne Ondziel-Gelenga and Kamel Rezag-Bara, as well as Mr. Marcel Buzingo, members and legal adviser of the African Commission, respectively.

Conclusions and Recommendations

  1. The Commission rejoices in the total willingness of the Mauritanian government to cooperate with it, in conformity with the principles of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights.
  2. The Commission appreciates the willingness of the Mauritanian authorities to reinforce democratic evolution in a pluralism context.
  3. The Commission deplores all the tragic events that have occurred in Mauritania and their consequences. It recommends that all might be implemented so that the effects of these events might be repaired, with a view to the reconciliation of all elements of Mauritanian society.
  4. The Commission calls on the sense of responsibility among the socio-political organisations and civil society to reinforce democratic equilibrium and construction.
  5. The Commission finds that in spite of the amnesty laws of 1991 and 1993 adopted by the government to repair the prejudice caused, there still exists a certain number of unresolved matters, such as the situation of widows and black Mauritanian survivors.
  6. The Commission recommends to the government to put into place mechanisms and procedures likely to accelerate the process of indemnification and reparation in a satisfactory manner and to maintain a dialogue with the organisation of civil society.
  7. The delegation thanks the Mauritanian authorities for the warmth of their welcome and the quality of the hospitality which was accorded to them.