Final Communique of the 3rd Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights

  1. The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights held its third ordinary session in Libreville, Gabon, from 18 to 28 Aril, 1988 under the Chairmanship of Mr. Isaac NGUEMA.

  2. Present at the session were the following members:
    • Messrs.
    • Alioune BLONDIN BEYE
    • Alexis GABOU
    • M.D. MOKAMA
    • Youssoupha NDIAYE
    • Isaac NGUEMA
  3. The opening ceremony was presided over by H.E. LEON MEBIAME, Prime Minister and Head of Government, representing H.E. EL-HADJ OMAR BONGO, President of the Gabonese Republic.
  4. The Chairman of the Commission, Mr. Isaac NGUEMA, took the floor to welcome, on behalf of his colleagues, all the participants to the opening ceremony attended by official bodies, members of Government and Diplomatic Corps.
  5. After the opening ceremony, the Commission, continuing its deliberations, discussed and adopted a 15-item agenda, comprising mainly the following:
    • Adoption of the report
    • Consideration and adoption of the models for considering the complaints
    • Consideration of the guidelines relating to the preparation of the periodic reports
    • Consideration of the financial rules and regulations of the Commission
  6. The Commission adopted the Report of its Second Session held in Dakar, Senegal, from 8 to 13 April, 1988.
  7. After the Dakar Session, which was mainly devoted to the adoption of the Rules of Procedure, the Libreville Session was devoted on providing the Commission with the relevant legal instruments for the accomplishment of its mission.
  8. In that connection, the following were considered and adopted:
    • the model for considering complaints and communications
    • the guidelines to be followed by Member States in making periodic reports
    • the financial rules and regulations to govern the functioning of the Commission
  9. The Commission then continued with the consideration of the first complaints it received.
  10. The Commission also discussed the issue of its headquarters which it decided to submit to the Assembly of Heads of state and Government.
  11. The Commission also drew up, considered and adopted its first Report of Activities to be submitted to the Twenty-fourth ordinary session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity.
  12. The Commission, pursuant to Rules 76 and 77 of its Rules of Procedure, deliberated at length on its relations with Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOS). Expressing its readiness to cooperate with those which so desired and shared the same ideals, the Commission invited interested NGOs to establish the necessary contracts.
  13. The Chairman of the Commission reported on his activities during the intersession. The Commission approved them and took appropriate actions.
  14. The Commission received from the OAU Secretary-General new complaints which were addressed to him. The Commission started considering all the complaints received, according to a procedure and methodology it had just defined.
  15. The Commission considered its draft budget for the Financial Year 1989-1990.
  16. A vote of thanks was addressed to His Excellency the President of the Gabonese Republic, his government and the Gabonese people.
  17. The Commission decided to hold its next session in Cairo, Egypt, in October, 1998 at a date to be fixed later on.
  18. The closing ceremony was chaired by                               .

Done in Libreville, 28 April 1988