Statement by the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights on Human Rights Violations Committed in the Central African Republic


The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the Commission) continues to follow with grave concern the situation in the Central African Republic which is marked by insecurity.

The Commission recalls its previous statement of 27 March 2013 in which it strongly condemned the military takeover of 24 March 2013 which led to the loss of lives and the widespread looting of public and private property.

The Commission regrets the acts of violence which are being carried out in the country, in particular those which occurred over the weekend of 12 to 14 April 2013 involving some members of the SELEKA coalition and which are reported to have led to the death of about twenty people and several wounded in the Boy-Rabe neighbourhood in Bangui.

The Commission further regrets that its call for a return to constitutional order contained in its previous statement is yet to become effective. In this regard, the Commission further calls on the international community to take the necessary measures towards restoring constitutional order under conditions that are conducive to the peace and security of the population.


                                                                                                        Banjul, 21 April 20