Cameroon: 1st Periodic Report, 2001-2003


This Report covers the period from 1 January 2001 to 18 December 2003, but also includes relevant facts that occurred during the first half of 2004. It presents the new measures taken and the progress achieved in the respect of the rights enshrined in the Charter and the factors and difficulties faced by the Government of Cameroon in implementing the past Commission's recommendations.

The report consists of two parts. The first part presents new facts with regard to the legal and institutional framework under which the protection of the rights laid down in the Charter is being carried out. The second part deals with the new measures and actions that will measure the exercise in Cameroon of the following rights:

  • civil and political rights
  • economic, social and cultural rights
  • peoples' rights and elimination of all forms of racial discrimination
  • elimination of all forms of discrimination against women

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