

1.The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the Commission), meeting at its 73rd Ordinary Session, held in Banjul, The Gambia from 20 October to 9 November 2022, adopted Resolution ACHPR/Res.533 (LXXIII) 2022 did reconstitute its Working Group on Indigenous Populations/Communities and Minorities in Africa, appointing two Commissioner-Members, renewing the mandate of one Commissioner and appointing three Expert Members from the Regions of West, Central and Eastern Africa.

2.By the same Resolution, the Commission requested the re-advertisement of the call for the application of expert membership of the Working Group, to fulfil the maximum membership threshold stipulated by Sections 6 and 7 of the Standard Operating Procedures on the Special Mechanisms of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (SOPs). During its 75th Ordinary Session, upon processing the application, it appointed one member from Southern Africa through Resolution ACHPR/RES.553 (LXXV) 2023. Through this Resolution, the Commission requested the re-advertisement of the call for the application of expert membership of the Working Group from North Africa.

3.It is in the end, the Working Group on Indigenous Populations/Communities and Minorities in Africa wishes to extend its call for Applications for the Appointment of One Expert Member from the Sub-Regions of North Africa, in view of attaining, a regional balance in its membership.

About the Working Group

4.The Working Group on Indigenous Populations/Communities and Minorities in Africa (as it is now known) was established by the Commission’s Resolution ACHPR/Res. 51(XXVIII)00, adopted at its 28th Ordinary Session held in Cotonou, Benin, from October 23 to November 6, 2000.

5.The Working Group is required to be composed of five Experts representing the five sub-regions of the continent, considering the imperatives of linguistic and gender representation. Its mandate is as follows:
(a)To examine the concept of indigenous people and communities in Africa;
(b)To study the implications of the African Charter on Human Rights and the well-being of indigenous communities especially regarding the rights to equality (Articles 2 & 3), dignity (Article 5), protection against domination (Article 19), self-determination (Article 20) and the promotion of cultural development and identity (Article 22);
(c)To consider appropriate recommendations for the monitoring and protection of the rights of indigenous communities.
(d)To gather information from all relevant sources (including governments, civil society, indigenous populations, and their communities) on violations of human rights, and
(e)To produce a detailed report on its activities to the African Commission at each Ordinary Session.

Qualification of the Candidate

6.Candidates must have the following qualifications –
(a)Be a national of the Member States of the African Union (AU) from North Africa, 
(b)Must have proven experience and expertise in the field of human rights, on issues relating to the rights of Indigenous Populations/Communities and Minorities, advocacy and written skills;
(c)Be available to work for at least 5 hours per week;
(d)Be able to travel in discharging the Working Group’s mandate such as in-country research and information missions, annual meetings, and representing the Working Group in activities related to its mandate; and
(e)Be able to speak and communicate in English, French, Arabic or Portuguese, which are the working languages of the AU (fluency in more than one, being an asset).

Tenure and Remuneration

7.The term of office of the members of the Working Group shall be for the remainder of the two (2) years from the date of appointment of the current membership and it attracts no compensation, except for the costs related to authorized work that would be covered in line with AU financial rules.

Mode of Application

8.Applications from suitable candidates should be sent to the Secretariat of the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights no later than September 10, 2023, accompanied by a cover letter and curriculum vitae through the email address: copying or by post to the address below:

African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights
31 Bijilo Annex Layout,
Kombo North District, Western Region
P. O. Box 673 Banjul
The Gambia