Contents :
I- Editorial Newsletter October 2023.....2
II- Refoulement and Torture of Refugees
in Africa...................................................3
Dr Dalia Malek (Early Career Fellow in
International Human Rights Law,
University of Edinburgh)
III- Legal protection of Older Persons
against acts of torture in Cameroon...5
Dr. Fomba Tala Joris Joël
IV-The Road Not Taken: An Assessment
of the Efficacy of the Law protecting
Vulnerable Groups in Africa.............7
Dorcas Anyango 1 JohnMark Mackenzie 2
V- A permissive legal framework fuels
the use of torture in Malawi................9
Centre for Human Rights Education,
Advice and Assistance (CHREAA)
VI-Combating Torture among
Vulnerable Groups: The case of the
children under Cameroonian
Manhouli yorsam amandine floriane and
Chatie Kingkoh Godlove,
VII- Information

Theme of the year