Concluding Observations and Recommendations - Senegal: 12th, 13th, 14th & 15th, Periodic Report, 2015-2022
Resolution on the Ratification of the Protocol to the African Charter on the Establishment of an African Court - ACHPR/Res.60(XXXI)02
Resolution on the Recognition and Protection of the Right of Participation, Governance and Use of Natural Resources by Indigenous and Local Populations in Africa - ACHPR/Res. 489 (LXIX)2021
Resolution on the Re-Allocation of Country Rapporteurship amongst Commissioners - ACHPR/Res. 495 (LXIX)2021
Resolution on Extractive Industries and the Protection of Land Rights of Indigenous Populations/Communities in Africa - ACHPR/Res. 490 (LXIX)2021
Resolution on the Reconstitution of the Working Group on Indigenous Populations/Communities and Minorities in Africa - ACHPR/Res. 497 (LXIX)2021
Resolution on the Reconstitution of the Advisory Committee on Budgetary and Staff Matters - ACHPR/Res. 498 (LXIX)2021
Resolution on the Development of a General Comment on the prohibition of Female Genital Mutilation in Africa - ACHPR/Res. 493 (LXIX)2021
Resolution on the Renewal of the Mandate of the Commission of Inquiry on the Situation in the Tigray Region of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia - ACHPR/Res. 494 (LXIX)2021
Resolution on the Deterioration of the General Human Rights Situation in Sudan following the Coup d’état of 25 October 2021 - ACHPR/Res. 510 (LXIX)2021
Resolution on the Reconstitution of the Working Group on Extractive Industries, Environment and Human Rights Violations in Africa - ACHPR/Res. 503 (LXIX)2021
Resolution on the Appointment of the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression and Access to Information in Africa - ACHPR/Res. 504 (LXIX)2021
Resolution on the Reconstitution of the Working Group on the Rights of Older Persons and People with Disabilities in Africa - ACHPR/Res. 506 (LXIX)2021
Resolution on the Reconstitution of the Working Group on Specific Issues related to the work of the Commission - ACHPR/Res. 499 (LXIX)2021
Resolution on the Formulation of Standard Operating Procedures of the Alert and Reporting Mechanism to the ACPHR on Situations of Torture and Related Acts - ACHPR/Res. 507 (LXIX)2021
Resolution on the Appointment of the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Women in Africa - ACHPR/Res. 505 (LXIX)2021
Resolution on the Development of a Training Manual on the Use of Force by Law Enforcement Agents and Prison/Corrections Guards in Africa - ACHPR/Res. 508 (LXIX)2021`
Resolution on the continuing Violation of Human Rights Situation in the Republic of Cameroon - ACHPR/Res. 511 (LXIX)2021
Resolution on the Reconstitution of the Working Group on the Death Penalty, Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Killings and Enforced Disappearances in Africa - ACHPR/Res. 500 (LXIX)2021
Resolution on the extension of the period to prepare a Study on the Use of Force by Law Enforcement Officials in Africa - ACHPR/Res. 509 (LXIX)2021
Resolution on the Reconstitution of the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of People Living with HIV (PLHIV) and those at Risk, Vulnerable to and Affected by HIV - ACHPR/Res. 501 (LXIX)2021