Closing Speech of Mr. Kebba Sanyang, the Honourable Attorney General and Secretary of State for Justice


Closing Speech of Mr. Kebba Sanyang, 
the Honourable Attorney General 
and Secretary of State for Justice, at the Closing Ceremony of the 40th Ordinary Session 
of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights 
at the Kairaba Beach Hotel  
on Wednesday 29th November 2006


Her Excellency, the Chairperson of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights,
Honourable Commissioners,
Your Excellencies members of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps,
The Acting Solicitor General & Legal Secretary,
Delegates representing the Member States of the African Union,
Representatives of National and International Human Rights Organisations,
Members of Civil Society, the Press, and all Protocols respectfully observed.


Today, I am here at this Continental Human Rights Forum to deliver the closing speech, which will bring to a definitive end, the 40 th Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, which has been going on in The Gambia, since the 15th of November, 2006.

As the Secretary of State whose portfolio encompasses Human Rights, I am only too delighted to be here to officially close this two-week 40 th Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, which marks yet another milestone, in the short history of this important Continental Institution, which for all intents and purposes, is indeed an integral component unity of the Organisation for African Unity (O.A.U.), now fittingly renamed, the African Union (A.U.).

I do hope and trust that during your brief stay in the Commonwealth Republic of The Gambia, you had very thought-provoking and stimulating brain storming sessions, on topical Human Rights issues, thus promoting and consolidating, the cherished norms and ideals of the Founding Fathers, of this important continental human rights institution.

It is one thing for independent sovereign States of the African Union, to sign, ratify and domesticate international and regional human rights Conventions.

In the same breath, it is also an entirely different thing or ball game, for those African States, to respect, uphold, cherish and implement, the noble and Internationally acclaimed provision, of those International and Regional Human Rights Conventions, which those African States in question have signed, ratified and domesticated.

Let us all hope and pray unceasingly, to the “Great God of Nations”, for the Human Rights records of all African States of the African Union, to progress by leaps and bounds, across the length and breath of our beloved African Continent, so that the culture of Human Rights would take root all over Africa, thus making Africa a better place to live in, not only for the Africans in Africa, but for Africans in the Diaspora and all peace loving people in our global village.

For most of you who will be flying out of The Gambia shortly, to your respective countries, I wish you a safe, peaceful and trouble-free journey back home. As you return to your respective homes, after successfully attending the 40th Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights in The Gambia, I am conceptually and evidentially certain, that sweet and cherished memories of The Gambia, the Smiling Coast of Africa, will forever remain indelible, on the landscapes of your minds.

With those closing remarks, on behalf of the Government and People of The Gambia, it now gives me singular honour and privilege, to declare this 40 th Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, officially closed.

I thank you all, for your kind and undivided attention.

May God bless you all,


Thank you.