Press Release on the Africa Day celebrations


Banjul, The Gambia, 28 May 2019: The Secretariat of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the Secretariat), on invitation, celebrated Africa Day on 27 May with primary and secondary school students from Buckingham Pneuma Academy.

The Secretariat was represented by Mr. Chaan Tutlam and Mr. Stephen Buabeng-Baidoo, who interacted with students on the work of the African Union and the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the Commission). Mr. Tutlam highlighted the origins of the African Union, its foremost achievements and introduced the students to Agenda 2063, stressing on key areas such as integration and free movement. Mr. Buabeng-Baidoo presented the human rights mandate of the Commission, its work on the continent and its contributions to the achievement of Africa’s developmental goals.

Students participated in Q&A sessions, in which winning students were awarded booklets on Agenda 2063. The students showed great enthusiasm and demonstrated knowledge on a wide range of areas, from contemporary events on the continent to human rights concerns.

On the occasion, students dressed in traditional attires, and celebrated their unique and common heritage by giving short presentations that reflected values of unity in diversity.

Mr. Tutlam and Mr. Buabeng-Baidoo closed the celebrations by extending the Secretariat’s gratitude to the Academy for its invite and commending its efforts to educate their students on matters of importance to the African continent. They also encouraged students to start early in contributing to the Africa they wish to see. Finally, they presented the Academy and its staff with African Union calendars and materials on Agenda 2063.