Final Communiqué of the 29th Extra-Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights

  1. The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (“the Commission”) held its 29th Extra-Ordinary Session (“the Session”) on 2nd, 3rd and 5th October 2020, virtually on account of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  1. The Session was chaired by Honourable Commissioner Solomon Ayele Dersso, Chairperson of the Commission; assisted by Honourable Commissioner Rémy Ngoy Lumbu, Vice-Chairperson.
  1. The following Members of the Commission participated in the Session:
  1. Honourable Commissioner Solomon Ayele Dersso; Chairperson
  2. Honourable Commissioner Rémy Ngoy Lumbu; Vice Chairperson
  3. Honourable Commissioner Sylvie Kayitesi Zainabo;
  4. Honourable Commissioner Maya Sahli-Fadel;
  5. Honourable Commissioner Jamesina Essie L. King;
  6. Honourable Commissioner Hatem Essaiem;
  7. Honourable Commissioner Maria Teresa Manuela;
  8. Honourable Commissioner Alexia Gertrude Amesbury.
  9. Honourable Commissioner Mudford Zachariah Mwandenga;
  10. Honourable Commissionner Marie Louise Abomo; and
  11. Honourable Commissioner NDiamé Gaye.
  1. The Commission considered and adopted its agenda and deliberated on the following:
  1. Brief on Non Retroactivity of the Rules of Procedure (2020)
  2. Financial and Administrative matters
  1. The Commission considered Outstanding Urgent Issues Requiring Guidance on Administrative Seizure of Complaints Pursuant to the Rules of Procedure (2020) namely:
  1. Application of the 60 days’ turnaround time prescribed under Rule 115 (8) to Inter State Communications;
  2. Mandate of the Working Group on Communications to adopt decisions on Communications referred to it by the Secretariat;
  3. Voting on decisions in Inter-State Communications (simple majority v. absolute majority);
  4. Page limits on Complaints received by the Secretariat   (Inter-State Communications).
  1. The Commission considered a Brief on Communications requiring Guidance of six (6) Communications.
  1. The Commission considered and decided not to be seized of one (1) Communication.
  1. The Commission decided to hold its 67th Ordinary Session virtually, from 13th November to 3rd December 2020. Details of the Session will be made available on the Commission’s website.
  1. On account of the COVD-19 Pandemic, the Commission continues to hold its Sessions virtually and in this regard, appreciates the participation of Members of the Commission and the support of the Secretariat in facilitating the smooth running of the Session, despite the inevitable technical challenges.


Done this 5th day of October 2020