Final Communiqué of the 8th Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights


1. The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ rights held its 8th Ordinary Session in Banjul from 8th October to 21st October, 1990, under the Chairmanship of Professor U.O. Umozurike.
2. The following members were present at the Session:
- Prof. U.O. Umozurike.
- Dr. Ibrahim Ali Badawi El-Sheikh
- MM Ali M. Buhedma
- Robert Habesh Kisanga
- C.I.C. Muhanga-Chipoya
- Youssoupha Ndiaye
- Alioune Blondin Beye
- Moleleki d. Mokama
- Alexis Gabou

3. The opening session was attended by the Assistant Secretary-General of OAU Mr. Ahmed Haggag, Representatives of the African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies, the Lawyers 
Committee for Human Rights, Annesty International and Human Rights Internet.

4. After the welcome address by Prof. Umozurike speeches wee made by the following:-
1. Mr. Ahmed Haggag, Assistant Secretary General of OAU;
2. Mr. Tiebile Drame of Annesty International;
3. Miss Sarah Norman of Human Rights Internet;
4. Ms. Yolande Diallo, Representative of United Nations Centre for Human Rights;
5. Mr. Abdourahman Boly of Burkinabe Movement on Human and Peoples’ rights.

5. The Commission dealt with, interalia, the following items:- - Matters arising from the last session;
- Consideration of periodic reports;
- Activity reports of members of the Commission during the intersession;
- Consideration of six new communications against States;
- Consideration of rule of Procedure;
- Observers.

6. The Commission considered six new communications against States Parties to the Charter.

7. The Commission admitted 9 Non-Governmental Organisations to observer 
status as follows:-
i) The International Association of Young Lawyers;
ii) The African Society of International and Comparative Law;
iii) The International Federation of human Rights;
iv) The fund for Peace;
v) Civil Liberties Organisation;
vi) Interights;
vii) International Institute for human Rights;
viii) Inter-African Union of Lawyers;
ix) The Arab Institute for Human Rights, as well as the commonwealth of Nations.

8. Considered a report on the Privileges and Immunities of members of the commission.

9. Mandated the eleven Commissioner to carry out promotional activities in OAU Member States as follows:-
1. Dr. Ibrahim Ali Badawi EL-SHEIKH 7. Mr. Moleleki d. MOKAMA
Comoros Botswana
Seychelles Lesotho
Ile Mauritius Malawi
Egypt Swaziland
2. Mr. Alioune Blondin BEYE 8. Mr. C.I.C. MUBANGA-CHIPOYA
Benin Angola
Burkina Faso Mozambique
Cote d’Ivoire Zambia
Mali Zimbabwe
Togo Namibia 
3. Mr. Ali Mahmoud BUHEDMA 9. Mr. Youssoupha NDIAYE
Algeria Cape Verde
Libya Niger
Mauritania Senegal 
Djibouti Guinea
Saharawi Republic Guinea-Bissau
4. Mr. Alexis GABOU 10. Mr. Isaac NGUEMA
Cameroom Burundi 
Central Africa Republic Gabon 
Chad Rwanda
Congo Zaire 
Sao Tome Guinea (Equatorial)
5. Mr. Sourahata Baboucarr Semega JANNEH 11. Prof. U. UMOZURIKE
Gambia Nigeria
Liberia Ghana
Sierra Leone
6. Mr. Robert Habesh KISANGA

10. The Commission appeals to the parties to the Liberian conflict to cease hostilities immediately and negotiate a peaceful settlement. The Commission regrets the massive violations of civil rights caused by the conflict.

11. The Commission decided to hold its next session from 28th February to 13th March 1991 in Nigeria