Call for Nominations: The "Med Kaggwa Award" Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Luanda Guidelines


In May 2014, the ACHPR adopted the Guidelines on the Conditions of Arrest, Police Custody, and Pre-trial Detention in Africa, known as “The Luanda Guidelines.” This pivotal document promotes a rights-based approach to arrest, police custody, and pre-trial detention in Africa, ensuring respect for the rights enshrined in the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (The Charter), including the rights to dignity, liberty, security, a fair trial, freedom from torture, and life.

In 2024, the ACHPR marks the 10th anniversary of the Luanda Guidelines with various celebratory activities, including the presentation of the "Med Kaggwa Award." Named in honor of the late Honorable Commissioner Med SK Kaggwa, who was instrumental in the adoption and promotion of the Luanda Guidelines, this award recognizes outstanding achievements in implementing the Guidelines.

Award Categories

Category 1: Law Enforcement Institutions of state parties to the Charter
•    Sub-category 1: An award for a Police or Gendarmerie institution demonstrating significant integration of the Luanda Guidelines into their training curricula.
•    Sub-category 2: An award for a Prison Administration that has made effective efforts in facilitating detainee education for rehabilitation.
•    Sub-category 3: An award for a judicial institution demonstrating significant and innovative efforts in providing alternatives to detention.

Category 2: National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) with affiliate status before the ACHPR 
•    1 Award: For an NHRI that has effectively utilized the directives of the Luanda Guidelines to monitor places of detention.

Category 3:Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) with observer status before the ACHPR
•    1 Award: For an NGO that has made significant efforts to promote the Luanda Guidelines at the national level.

Nomination Procedure

Nominations are open to State parties to the Charter, NHRIs with affiliate status before the ACHPR and NGOs with observer status before the ACHPR. To nominate an institution or organization, please send an email to the addresses below, specifying the category or sub-category and including the following information by 28th September 2024:
•    Name of the nominated institution or organization.
•    A brief description (maximum 10 lines) of how the nominated institution or organization meets the criteria of the chosen category.
•    Contact details (email address and phone number) of the person nominating.
•    Contact details (email address and phone number) of the nominated institution or organization.

Send nominations to:  Cc:   highlighting this in the Subject: Med Kaggwa Award

Significance of the Award

The Med Kaggwa Award is a prestigious trophy symbolizing the ACHPR's recognition of efforts to enhance respect for human dignity in a specific area, in line with the Luanda Guidelines. It acknowledges specific achievements rather than providing blanket recognition of overall human rights practices by a state or organization.