Special Rapporteur on Refugees, Asylum Seekers, Internally Displaced Persons and Migrant in Africa

Year of Establishment: 2004 | Type: Special

The Special Rapporteur on Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Internally Displaced Persons was established by the ACHPR at its 35th Ordinary Session (Banjul, The Gambia - 21 May to 4 June 2004). Resolution 72 adopted at the 36th Ordinary Session ( Dakar, Senegal - 23 November - 7 December 2004) laid out the mandate of the Special Rapporteur, which calls for him or her to

  • seek , receive, examine, and act upon the situation of refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced persons in Africa;
  • undertake studies, research and other related activities to examine appropriate ways to enhance the protection of refugees, asylum seekers, and internally displaced persons;
  • undertake fact-finding missions, investigations, and visits to refugee camps and camps for internally displaced persons;
  • assist Member States of the African Union to develop appropriate policies, regulations and laws for the effective protection of refugees, asylum seekers, and internally displaced persons;
  • cooperate and engage in dialogue with Member States, National Human Rights Institutions, relevant intergovernmental and non-governmental bodies, international and regional mechanisms;
  • develop and recommend effective strategies to better protect rights;
  • raise awareness and promote the implementation of the UN Convention on Refugees of 1951 as well as the OAU Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugees Problems in Africa; and
  • submit reports as every ordinary session of the African Commission on the situation of refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced persons in Africa.

Resolution 95 of the 39th Ordinary Session, held in Banjul, The Gambia in May 2006, extended the mandate of the Special Rapporteur to also include migration issues.

Working Group
Adopted Resolutions
Special Mecanisms Reports