Resolution on the development of General Comments on Article 7 (d) of the Protocol to the African Charter on the Rights of Women in Africa - ACHPR/Res. 401 (EXT.OS/ XXIV) 2018
Resolution on the Human Rights Situation in the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria - ACHPR/Res.414(LXIV)2019
Resolution on Mixed Migratory Flows, Challenges of Protecting Migrants and the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons and all forms of Violence in North and Sub-Saharan Africa - ACHPR/Res. 398 (LXII) 2018
Resolution appointing an expert member of the Working Group on Death Penalty and Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Killings in Africa - ACHPR/Res. 399 (LXII) 2018
Resolution on the Activities Affecting the Human Rights of Indigenous Communities in Kenya - ACHPR/Res. 394 (LXII) 2018
Resolution on the Human Rights Situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo - ACHPR/Res. 393 (LXII) 2018
Resolution on the Renewal of the Mandate and Reconstitution of the Working Group on Communications - ACHPR/Res.385(LXI)2017
Resolution on the Reconstitution and Renewal of the Mandate of the Working Group on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Africa and Renewal of the Appointment of its Chairperson and Members - ACHPR/Res.391(LXI)2017
Resolution on the Appointment of the Chairperson, Renewal of the Mandate and Reconstitution of the Committee for the Prevention of Torture in Africa - ACHPR/Res.387(LXI)2017
Resolution on the Appointment of the Chairperson, Renewal of the Mandate and Reconstitution of the Committee on Resolutions - ACHPR/Res.390(LXI)2017
Resolution on the Appointment of the Chairperson, Renewal of the Mandate and Reconstitution of the Advisory Committee on Budgetary and Staff Matters - ACHPR/Res.388(LXI)2017
Resolution on the Renewal of the Mandate and Reconstitution of the Working Group on Extractive Industries, Environment and Human Rights Violations in Africa - ACHPR/Res.386(LXI)2017